Land Commoning

~ by Stavros Stavrides ~ A rather simplified version of the land distribution problem in Colombia may be articulated thus: Peasants (especially mestizos and white …

Palestine & the Commons: Or, Marx & the Musha’a

~ by Peter Linebaugh ~ In 1958 the assistant headmaster did the Bible reading at the morning assembly of the Karachi Grammar School (Pakistan), founded …

What is the difference?

~ by Massimo De Angelis ~ These days I watch Al Jazzeera. Its reports from Gaza, Lebanon, and the West Bank show colourful images of …

Gaza: The systematicity of annihilation

— Stavros Stavrides — Many of those who initially supported Israel’s right to self-defense have to admit now that this is indeed a genocidal war. …

Capitalist development and the war on social reproduction: Palestine and beyond

Silvia Federici The cruelty of the war that Israel has been waging against the Palestinian people and now against the people of Lebanon is so …

Stigma, fear and change

~by Massimo De Angelis ~ We have seen it for years around the issue of migrants. We have seen it with the war in Ukraine …

Strange Realism

Strange Realism features poetry, short essays and graphics by Francis Gene Rowe, as well as visuals by Erica Masserano and Daina Daugaviete

Piazza Garibaldi Commons

Piazza Garibaldi Commons: Migrant communities in Piazza Garibaldi: an information hub based on a 'commons of market knowledge'

Four open calls

Four open calls to The Commoner: Commoning space | Commoning ecologies | Liminal commons | Commoning and the convergence of struggles

Commoning space

Commoning Space: We cannot think of a different kind of society without questioning the status of socially produced space. Social life is...

Liminal commons

Liminal commons: short-lived yet leave a profound impact on both participants and their surroundings? How do we decipher .. transient commons?

Commoning and the convergence of struggles

Commoning and the convergence of struggles: processes that bring movements and struggles together despite differences and distances...

The psychotic hydra and the desire for transversality

The psychotic hydra and the desire for transversality: The situation is confusing. The outlook bleak. And great is the desire for fresh air.

Hope Abolishes

"Hope Abolishes: A Philosophical Review of Everything for Everyone and the Return of the Utopian Imaginary", by Patrick W. Huff

Land Commoning

~ by Stavros Stavrides ~ A rather simplified version of the land distribution problem in Colombia may be articulated thus: Peasants (especially mestizos and white …

Palestine & the Commons: Or, Marx & the Musha’a

~ by Peter Linebaugh ~ In 1958 the assistant headmaster did the Bible reading at the morning assembly of the Karachi Grammar School (Pakistan), founded …

What is the difference?

~ by Massimo De Angelis ~ These days I watch Al Jazzeera. Its reports from Gaza, Lebanon, and the West Bank show colourful images of …

Gaza: The systematicity of annihilation

— Stavros Stavrides — Many of those who initially supported Israel’s right to self-defense have to admit now that this is indeed a genocidal war. …

Capitalist development and the war on social reproduction: Palestine and beyond

Silvia Federici The cruelty of the war that Israel has been waging against the Palestinian people and now against the people of Lebanon is so …

Stigma, fear and change

~by Massimo De Angelis ~ We have seen it for years around the issue of migrants. We have seen it with the war in Ukraine …

Strange Realism

Strange Realism features poetry, short essays and graphics by Francis Gene Rowe, as well as visuals by Erica Masserano and Daina Daugaviete

Piazza Garibaldi Commons

Piazza Garibaldi Commons: Migrant communities in Piazza Garibaldi: an information hub based on a 'commons of market knowledge'

Four open calls

Four open calls to The Commoner: Commoning space | Commoning ecologies | Liminal commons | Commoning and the convergence of struggles

Commoning space

Commoning Space: We cannot think of a different kind of society without questioning the status of socially produced space. Social life is...

Liminal commons

Liminal commons: short-lived yet leave a profound impact on both participants and their surroundings? How do we decipher .. transient commons?

Commoning and the convergence of struggles

Commoning and the convergence of struggles: processes that bring movements and struggles together despite differences and distances...

The psychotic hydra and the desire for transversality

The psychotic hydra and the desire for transversality: The situation is confusing. The outlook bleak. And great is the desire for fresh air.

Hope Abolishes

"Hope Abolishes: A Philosophical Review of Everything for Everyone and the Return of the Utopian Imaginary", by Patrick W. Huff