March 8 is a day of struggle, not flowers and cakes

    Humanity has come a long way since the first protests on March 8 110 years ago. The list of positive achievements during this period could be long, but somehow women’s equality remains one of the “controversial” issues. Instead of an unconditional collapse of patriarchy, today, all over the world, various regimes are actively trying to take away the few rights that women have managed to win over such a long period of human existence on this planet.

    From the prohibition of abortion, to the resurrection of the ideals of the traditional family, modern patriarchy is not backing down. Under the flag of the victims of feminism, the most disgusting representatives of the male part of the population are trying once again to rationalize their superiority. And as long as patriarchy exists in the world, March 8 will remain a day of combat for most women across the planet. Flowers and gifts will in no way justify the daily exploitation of women in the modern world, from liberal democracies to authoritarian regimes.

    Against patriarchy and capitalism

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