Call for participation in actions of solidarity with the peoples of Ukraine on February 24th

    Almost 3 years of full-scale war in Ukraine have not brought the collapse of the “russian world” and the destruction of the Russian empire. The indecisiveness of Western countries in supplying arms has created an opportunity for a gradual build-up of the military capacity of the occupation army. And all this alongside the growth of a far-right movement across Europe and in the United States sympathetic to the authoritarianism of Putin’s regime. The US election in favor of the pro-Russian Trump opens a new chapter in the militarization and future of war in Europe and Asia. Instead of a possible peace, we are looking to a future in which the ceasefire in Ukraine is only a preparation for more conflict on the continent.

    In search of answers to the challenges of the future, the anarchist movement today is in a difficult situation. But despite all the problems, we believe it is our duty to continue to stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine against the Russian invasion. Moreover, with a possible ceasefire in Ukraine, a new front of struggle is opening up in which anti-fascists and anarchists will have to fight fascists and the neoliberal state while preparing for a new Russian invasion. In such an atmosphere, international solidarity becomes a key factor in the survival of ideas of equality and freedom in the region.

    That is why we call on anarchists, anti-fascists and anti-authoritarian leftists to join the marches of the Ukrainian diaspora or organize their own events on February 24, 2025 in support of progressive forces in Ukraine and for a world without authoritarianism.

    Only in struggle will we get our rights!

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