'When I get out of this place (prison, that is), I’ll be straight on the road, speaking to people around the country. I might call it The Fanatic Tour.'

I’ll tell people it’s 'doorknocking or death'. Not quite as catchy as Liberty or Death, but just as fundamental. 

  • Reasons to be cheerful

    State oppression will not stop climate activism, but will instead ensure climate breakdown leads to revolution.

  • XL XR?

    Extinction Rebellion won't happen again. But the movement built a foundation that a new revolutionary movement can usefully deploy.

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  • Reasons to be cheerful

    State oppression will not stop climate activism, but will instead ensure climate breakdown leads to revolution.

  • XL XR?

    Extinction Rebellion won't happen again. But the movement built a foundation that a new revolutionary movement can usefully deploy.