A poem by Sunshine Lombré

    Editor’s note: Recently there was a lively abortion rights demonstration in Evanston, Illinois, where 100 or so women and men met in Raymond Park to have a rally and then a march. Below we print a poem by Sunshine Lombré that she recited to the crowd. Lombré not only read her poetry but chaired the event as well. Her social media includes instagram.com/ladylombre and she has more poetry on Youtube and Spotify.

    Sunshine chairing the pro-abortion rights demonstration. Photo: Terry Moon for News & Letters

    Sometimes you have to cut off your arm or leg to escape a trap, an enclosure, an encasement, a cage, a cave, a marriage, a basement, or any abusive, threatening, or unloving situation.

    The hairy frog of Cameroon when in danger will break its own bones in its hands and toes then push it out to be temporary claws.

    The Iberian Ribbed Newt will push its ribs through its skin to create a spiky body armor.

    The Sea Cucumber will eject their intestines and sometimes other organs to distract their predators while they escape.

    Sometimes people with wombs of all ages undergo an abortion to survive and increase their chances to live to see another day.

    Frederica Mathewes-Green once said: “No woman wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.”

    I’m very grateful for the abortion rights that we have in Illinois but my heart hurts for the poorly educated pregnant teen in Tennessee who never learned about proper protected sex.

    Or the battered wife in Idaho covered in bruises and has a broken wrist from her last escape attempt who knows that she doesn’t have a chance running away with a baby.

    Or the human trafficked victims in Arkansas who are trying to get away.

    Or the Louisiana prostitute already over her head in student loans and credit card debt.

    Or the niece who was sent to the wrong uncle for the summer.

    Or the Mississippi lady with three jobs battling homelessness but dreaming of going back to school.

    Or the Alabama woman who suffers from chronic illnesses who was followed home by a rapist.

    Or the eager mother-to-be in Indiana who discovers that she has a life-threatening condition that could kill her and the baby.

    Or the young Texan couple who are just students and aren’t yet ready but now the woman is at risk of the death penalty for having an “illegal abortion.”

    We must continue to fight for the rights of pregnant people. We cannot allow these male politicians to dictate the futures of the impregnated people. We must spread our voices. Scream and shout. We shall not let them stomp us out.

    Repeat After Me:

    You will not reduce me to a womb

    You will not reduce me to a womb

    I will fight for the right to choose

    I will fight for the right to choose

    “Pro-Life” that’s a lie

    “Pro-Life” that’s a lie

    You don’t care if I die

    You don’t care if I die

    Not hate in our state

    Not hate in our state

    It’s our choice to pro-create

    It’s our choice to pro-create

    Our Bodies.

    Our Choice.

    Our Bodies.

    Our Choice.

    Our Bodies.

    Our Choice.

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