Tell Us What You Really Think

Before J. D. Vance became a booster for Trump, he was a brutal critic.

All That Remains of Neoliberal Identity Politics Is Fascism

Mainstream Democrats are moving away from identity politics — but the Right has doubled down.

One Week in the Mind of Tim Snyder

The historian documents history in real time.

The Quiet Death of National Review

With the rise of MAGA in the ranks of the GOP, the Right no longer needs a veneer of intellectualism.

Tell Us What You Really Think

Before J. D. Vance became a booster for Trump, he was a brutal critic.

All That Remains of Neoliberal Identity Politics Is Fascism

Mainstream Democrats are moving away from identity politics — but the Right has doubled down.

One Week in the Mind of Tim Snyder

The historian documents history in real time.

The Quiet Death of National Review

With the rise of MAGA in the ranks of the GOP, the Right no longer needs a veneer of intellectualism.